Why do I see so many lines when I add a stroke to the variable font?
The glyphs in the variable font, LTR NCNDVF (right), consist of smaller outlines that overlap to make up the shapes. All these contours are needed to create the striking animations.
But if you need to use the font as an outline, to cut in vinyl or add a stroke for instance, those overlaps can be a problem. There are two ways to address this:
- Most design applications will be able to convert to outlines to create paths from text. Then select the paths and remove the overlaps. In Adobe Illustrator this is the PathFinder tool.
- Choose one of the single, non-variable weights as they do not have overlaps. These can be used straight from the menu. (In the image above, on the left).
Oh, is this the original Apple GX Jam font?
Almost! well spotted! It is very close, but not the same. Jam was created in 1991 as part of an event organised by Apple to experiment with TrueType GX. This video shows how Jam GX operated back then.

What happened to the HD and Rough styles?
The HD styles were released in 2008, right before the webfont revolution in 2010. At the time, we regenerated the old typewriter fonts with the intent of adding more detail and texture to the letters. We did our best, but with all that detail and alternates the fonts grew too much in size. While it is not a problem to use a 16Mb font (per style, so 32Mb if you used both!) on a desktop computer, it is impossible to use something that size on the web. Also, with the new textures the HD versions deviated significantly from the original styles. This time around we have found a better balance between detail and file size, and we stayed much closer to the letters we typed out all those years ago.
The original HD, Rough and Pro styles are now called LTR NCND Classic can be licensed here.. Due to their file size we do not recommend these fonts for use on the web.
I work in production design, can I use this typeface in title design?
For sketching, proposals and presentations, a regular license for LTR NCND will suffice. If the font is to appear on screen (broadcast, streaming, in a theater, etc.) you will need an additional broadcast license. Contact shop@letterror.com for details.
Is the character set the same? And the metrics?
LTR NCND has a few additional characters. Horizontal and vertical metrics are all the same as before. We don’t expect any problems when substituting the fonts, but double check any legacy documents you update.
Do you have a PDF I can print?
Can I get an upgrade for my previous license?
LettError offers a courtesy discount for long-time users:
- To qualify the fonts must have been purchased by you, for your own use, at the previous distributor, between April 1, 2013 and April 1, 2023 and not have been part of a library license or rental.
- Email a copy of your original invoice, showing date, name and license to shop@letterror.com.
- LettError will evaluate each request and you will receive a discount code by email after validation.
- This code must be used during checkout at LettError.com; it cannot be applied after purchase of LTR NCND.

If you don’t want to upgrade, the OpenType or TrueType fonts you licensed from the previous distributor will continue to work for you! However, we won’t be able to give you any support on those.
What does the “10” in the name stand for?
In our research we looked at different levels of detail and the correlation to filesize. The “10” of the current release reflects a carefully selected balance between file size and detail. We might, in the future, offer additional fonts with more detail in a larger file, or less detail in a smaller file.
At resolution 10, the single weights as WOFF2 are around 66 Kb. A tightly packed bundle of detail if you don’t need the variations.
Resolution 5.0 Unreleased |
WOFF2 VF 176 Kb All the detail, but a large file. |
Resolution 10.0 Just right! |
WOFF2 VF 129 Kb Just the right balance between detail and filesize! (We think) |
Resolution 15.0 Unreleased |
WOFF2 VF 51 Kb Small file, but noticeable loss of detail. |
Do you have old fashioned, non-variable fonts?
Absolutely! You can find them in the shop as individual items. If you buy the Collection, the singles are included as well as the variable.
But we love variable fonts! They’re great on the web, and they stimulate new ideas for animation and interaction. Variable fonts have growing support in “print” design applications as well. If you use a current version of Adobe Creative Cloud, for instance, variable fonts will appear in your font menu as the pre-defined weights. Additionally, you can grab the interpolation slider and explore all the stuff the weight axis has to offer.
The new name—“Neither Confirm Nor Deny”, what does it actually mean?
It is a variation on the Glomar response, a well considered answer to a request for information that will “neither confirm nor deny” (NCND) the existence of the information sought. For example, in response to a request about the availability of a specific font with a certain name, the foundry may reply with the following: “We can neither confirm nor deny that this typeface matches your request.” Which rather poignantly describes the situation.
Any other secrets to divulge?
There are some scripts for Adobe InDesign that automatically create randomisation and blend effects with LTR NCND VF. If you know what you’re doing. Scripts v1.1: look here. If you need help with installing: Adobe InDesign scripting page. Look in the PDF specimen for more information.
Any more questions?
Don’t hesitate to drop us a mail.
What’s the link to the shop again?