On April 1, 2023 the last remaining distribution agreement with Monotype ended. It had not been my choice to sell my fonts sold at Monotype and it was time to leave. It was also a moment to reflect on the decades that connected me to Berlin. It was a pleasure to work with FontShop and the FontFont library sure kicked ass in those days! So many brilliant minds, focussed engineers, writers, dedicated designers, marketers and conference organisers! It is a shame the company had to end the way it did.

As a result there are some changes in the availability, and in some cases name changes as well. If you have a license sold at FontShop, Monotype or MyFonts it will continue to be valid, under its original license agreement. However, if you need to update a license for the fonts listed below you have to get in touch with LettError Type. This includes all LettError fonts used on your website!

For now, we have carefully taken all the classic titles off the shelf, dusted them off, and retouched them and made them available again as the LettError fonts they truely always were.

Check the Release Notes and Updates for the current release and recent changes to our collection.

Monotype (FontShop) LettError Type Available
FF Trixie

Part of the FontFont Library, 1991-2023. To their chagrin, Monotype has no claim on the design, but they did not want to return the trademark of the name.


“Neither Confirm Nor Deny”.
We absolutely own the designs and we love the badass new name: NCND is a registered trademark of LettError Type.

Buy LTR NCND Variable

Available as of April 3, 2023

LTR NCND Classic

The original HD, Rough and Pro editions.

Buy LTR NCND Classic

Available as of July 18, 2023

FF Zapata LTR Slab Extended

A new, delightfully generic name. This time not motivated by silly trademark machinations. But this typeface has nothing to do with Mexican / American history and its name should not allude to that either.

Buy LTR Slab Extended

Available as of July 8, 2023

FF Kosmik LTR Kosmik

Textured, hand-lettered Sans. More adventures of TypoMan

Buy LTR Kosmik

Available as of August 1, 2023

FF Beowolf LTR Beowolf

The original RandomFont.

Buy LTR Beowolf

Available as of May 17, 2023

FF BeoSans LTR BeoSans

The Original Random Sans by Just van Rossum.

Buy LTR BeoSans

Available as of August 2, 2023

FF Hands

ErikRightHand and JustLeftHand, together marketed as FF Hands will remain at FontShop / Monotype

The Hands origin story, and some links